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Remote Access


If you want to have a remote graphical output without having a monitor connected to the SBC (AnyDesk, RustDesk, Remmina w/ VNC), use the HDMI Dummy Plug.


  1. Download AnyDesk (available at
  2. Execute the following commands
    cd ~/Downloads/
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install ./anydesk_6.4.2-1_amd64.deb -y
  3. Open AnyDesk
  4. (optional) Set an alias to use it for remote access instead of the AnyDesk ID
  5. Open the Menu Settings
    • Security Unlock
      • Enable unattended access:
        • Set a password
        • Set Full Access for the permission profile
      • (optional) Disable Search local network for other AnyDesk clients
      • (optional) Enable Exclude this device from discovery
    • (optional) Display
      • Set Best performance in the quality
      • Set Optimize screen usage (strecht) in view mode


If you are having problems connecting to another computer through AnyDesk, try to remove the local cache folder.

ll ~/.anydesk/
rm -rf ~/.anydesk/


AnyDesk requires both remote access endpoints to have Internet connection.


Some IT managers may lock the remote access through AnyDesk by disabling connections through *, even if both endpoints have an Internet connection. More information in


  1. Download RustDesk (available at
  2. Execute the following commands
    cd ~/Downloads/
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install ./rustdesk-1.3.7-x86_64.deb -y
  3. Open RustDesk
  4. Open the Menu Settings:
    • Security Unlock Security Settings
      • Use permanent password
      • (optional) Deny LAN discovery
      • (optional) Enable direct IP access Define the Port (e.g., 21118)
    • (optional) Display
      • Set Scale adaptive
      • Set Optimize reaction time
      • Other default options
        • Show monitors in toolbar
        • Enable file copy and paste
        • Use all my displays for the remote session


RustDesk is an open-source remote access software as an alternative to AnyDesk and similiar applications, allowing your own self-hosted servers and direct IP access to your machine.


Direct IP access through RustDesk remote connection is unecrypted!


  1. Execute the following commands
    sudo apt install remmina remmina-plugin-rdp remmina-plugin-vnc -y
    sudo apt install vino -y
  2. Open Settings Sharing Enable Screen Sharing
  3. Open Remmina on the client side
  4. Open a VNC connection with the address <computer name>.local or <IP address>

Secure Shell (SSH)

# SBC onboard the robot
sudo apt install openssh-server

# Remote access PC
sudo apt install openssh-client

ssh user@<IP address>


SSH 22 default port must be open in your network's firewall settings.


  1. Execute the following commands
    curl -s '' | gpg --import && if z=$(curl -s '' | gpg); then echo "$z" | sudo bash; fi
    sudo zerotier-cli info
  2. Go to Create A Network
    • Enable Auto-Assign from Range for the IPv4 Auto-Assign
    • Enable Broadcast for Multicast
  3. Execute the following commands
    sudo zerotier-cli join <Network ID>
  4. Go to Access the network previously created Authorize the new device
  5. Execute the following commands

    ifconfig  # (1)!

    1. should appear a new network interface specific to ZeroTier with an auto-assigned STATIC IP address
  6. Execute remote access through VNC, SSH, or another method that allows IP direct access using the ZeroTier IP address


    Both devices should be added in your private ZeroTier network